Morrissey used to be in 80's emo band The Smiths back before emo was cool and I know you've all heard their song "How Soon is Now," which is always used in emo-type movies. So be it.
After that, Morrissey struck out on his own and recorded such songs as "The More You Ignore Me, the Closer I Get" and "We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful." True, but why do you have to keep following me to let me know that?
Little known fact: Morrissey's moodiness has made him enemies with several musicians including Madonna, George Michael, and Robert Smith of The Cure, who once was quoted as saying, "If Morrissey says don't eat meat, then I'll eat meat, because I hate Morrissey." And this is coming from one of the most goth emo singers out there. Go figure.
So here's to moody emo before it was popular. And with that, I give you one of my favorite Morrissey songs.
Morrissey - Everyday is Like Sunday
Nice entry, and nice blog! I was on the Tube in London 5 years ago and the train was approaching Sloan Square - the announcer said "next stop Sloan Square", and all I could think of was "Hairdresser on Fire".
Morrissey is still brilliant - I just saw him a few months ago at the Aragon here in Chicago - his only show in N.A. for 2006. He looked really good too - he's lost quite a few "stone" recently and was in true form. His band had a few problems, but he was right on.
I got my first Smiths (self titled, "The Smiths") LP in 1984 - I was 14, and it was the coolest thing I'd ever heard. I haven't looked back - I've bought everything since.
He even made my favorite High fidelity quote -
"I get by because of the people who make a special effort to shop here - mostly young men - who spend all their time looking for deleted Smith singles, and original - not rereleased, underlined - Frank Zappa albums. Fetish properties are not unlike porn. I'd feel guilty taking their money, if I wasn't...well...kinda one of them."
Ah, High Fidelity. I loved that movie.
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