As for Helen Mirren, who plays the queen, her nomination for Best Actress is well deserved and I'm calling it now -- she's going to win it. So suck on that, Dame Judi Densh!
The rest of the cast was pretty good as well. They didn't look exactly like their real-life counterparts, but close enough. And as for Will and Harry, I think I maybe saw those two actors in a scene here or there. It was much more about the queen, which I thought was pretty cool.
So yeah, go see it before they take it out of the movie theaters again. And yeah! The Departed is back in Bloomington! I so need to see that movie.
Ooh, I saw The Queen last week, and I liked it, too. I'm going to see Notes on a Scandal on Sunday.
Oh man, The Departed is sooooo good. I still think they'll give it to Babel (which I didn't really like) but I wish it would go to The Departed.
I haven't seen The Queen or The Departed, but I saw Babel & didn't like it either. It seemed like they were trying to send the same message as Crash did last year, but the message was lost since they played into the stereotypes themselves. In Crash, everyone was categorized based on stereotypes and we got to see how the characters didn't fit into that stereotype and how dangerous it can be to view people in that way. In Babel, they show how seemingly unrelated events are actually connected, but they really didn't do a very good job of was flimsy at best. That may not be what they were trying to do, but that's how it appeared in the final product.
I gotta go see more movies now!
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