
i [heart] you joey joe

There was a rumor this week that the New Kids on the Block may be staging a reunion tour, a rumor that Danny Wood denied on his MySpace page. That being said, NKOTB.com seems to have a new song from the band on its home page so who the hell knows. But man, I hope it's true!!!!!!

Anyways, in looking for NKOTB info, I found this blog that someone runs called NKOTB are Still Kicking Ass and it's all about the members of the band still kicking ass! Yeah! But then...well, I found a scary entry. It had photos of a girl's room plastered with New Kids posters and well, my first reaction was "Wow! That looks just like my old room! And her posters are even closer together than mine!" And then I realized I was jealous that her room looked more like "New Kids wallpaper" than my room in which you could still tell what color the walls were. :( That being said, I was able to identify at least 15 posters/centerfolds/pin-ups in her room that I also owned. I can't believe I still remember that.

So this of course brings up a crazy question: what band would you go see if they reunited? Now, I'm not talking about the Beatles or something -- everyone has to be alive for one. I'm talking about that band you loved when you were a kid that you would pay to see for nostalgia's sake now that you have your own paycheck to spend and don't need your parents to drive you to the arena. 'N Sync? New Edition? Wham? Ohhhh....Wham! That would be sweet. Or are you one of those Smiths fans that want to see them back together even though that's not going to ever happen because of the animosity among the former members? Comment with your band so we can all point and laugh at you.


Joan said...

I just heard about NKOTB yesterday! If it happens, I am totally there. I had THE. BIGGEST. CRUSH on Joey. But I'm also afraid of being disappointed. They're all old now, so who knows if they can still dance or even sing on key. And Donny was seriously messed up for a while, too. Wonder if he's really up to the task? Still, NKOTB was the only "real" concert I went to as a kid. If for nothing other than nostalgia, I'd pay to see them again.

SpinKick said...

I'd contemplate that possible Led Zeppelin tour if it wouldn't cost me my ENTIRE paycheck.

Klick4MU said...

This will definately bring out my "nerdery" but I would have to go with 'The Party,' yes that's right the band that was formed out of the Mickey Mouse Club in the early 90's. It looks like according to Wikipedia some of the members are still active I actually saw one member DeeDee Mango in the road production of Wicked. Let the making fun of begin, I'm secure in my nerdery.

KLB said...

NKOTB...I can't wait! And Danny did post a new message that said if it ever were to happen you'd find details at NKOTB.com. Interesting how that site has suddenly come back to life!

Anonymous said...

i boo nkotb. booo!