
headline stupidity

I love reading the New York Times, but sometimes even the Times goes a little wacky. Here's the front page headline for this story: MTA Failed During Flood, Report Says. Really? The subway flooded and people couldn't use it, so the people who run the subway failed? Wow. That's some awesome reporting there, New York Times. [end sarcasm]

By the way, this reminded me of the time they had a huge fire in a subway station in Lower Manhattan a few years after 9/11. We were supposed to have a safer subway system, you know, because of terrorists and stuff. Despite that, apparently a homeless person's shopping cart caught on fire and shut down the entire C line for months. Good job, MTA.

Sometimes, I don't mind having to deal with traffic on the 405 if I don't have to deal with these crazy people.


Anonymous said...

i boo your lack of updates. BOOOOOO!

Jonathan Young said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the Times is cracking up. Lots of news, very little content, IMHO.