
sunny day

Sweeping the clouds away...Does anyone else remember that song? Yep, it's the theme song to Sesame Street and the 38th season of the show is starting this month. Yikes! I remember watching this show as a kid so that makes me feel old. Anyway, the premiere is going to include all kinds of celebrities from Rachael Ray to James Blunt. Plus, Anderson Cooper is going to be reporting for Grouch Network News from a garbage can. I don't care if Anderson smells like trash, he's still hot. Oh, Anderson!

So here's where we all travel down memory lane. Does anyone have a favorite episode of Sesame Street? My favorite was when everyone found out that Snuffulupagus [spelled it right the first time!] was real. That episode features Phil Donahue as a guest. There was also the one where Mr. Hooper died and I learned about death, which they made seem really nice. So what were all of yours?

And holy crap! So I did a search for the Sesame Street Christmas Special on YouTube and Ethel Merman and Michael Jackson were in the special. No joke! I think that's also the part where Bert and Ernie meet O. Henry.


Michelle said...

I used to love those beep, beep, beep beep beep guys...the ones that were outside Ernie and Bert's window.

Please tell me that oneone else remembers them or else I am losing it. They had horns for noses.

You will have to talk about the Muppet Show too because I used to watch that every Sunday night with my dad as a kid...it was great!

Klick4MU said...

I don't have a special favorite episode but I have all the muppet movies on DVD and I did "rainbow connection" for several auditions and job interviews so that was a good thing. Man I miss those days where you could rock out with the muppets.