So to entertain some of you at work, I give you YouTube clips. First is Office Space Wars. It's what would happen if you put all the actors in Office Space in Jedi get-ups, gave Jar-Jar a red stapler, and made Darth Vader the new boss. "Yeah, Obi-Wan. I'm gonna need you to come in Sunday, too."
Then, of course, there is Office Space: The Thriller. Ack! That red stapler so wants to kill me.
A music video for the song "My Cubicle" with clips from Office Space. It's so sad. Get some Kleenex for this one.
So on that note, look down and tell us all how many pieces of flair you're wearing.
Sadly I'm wearing 3 pieces of flair.
I'm wearing no flair :-( I do have a bag of Mardi Gras beads in my desk that I could bust out, though...I think I could probably find every character in Office Space here where I work!
Oh yeah. They seem present in every office. Even the goober that is nodding his head during the entire introduction of the Bobs! I think I end up fitting either Michale Bolton (not that washed up ass clown from the '80s) or Peter Gibbons. Who are you?
Mr. Michael Bolton had a role in the movie Idiocracy btw. :)
Office Wars...most humorous.
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