
bookmark this

Here's a story about what librarians find when they open the books you return: bookmarks. Now before you say "Boring," there are actually a few interesting finds in books. For example, librarians have found condoms and cash as bookmarks not to mention love letters, fake fingernails, and unused toilet paper. I guess that explains where some people read those books.

I go the traditional route with my bookmarks. I did needlepoint on one and own this Harry Potter set. I also have some of these bookmarks an Office fan made that I love -- especially when I can coordinate the book cover color with a particular bookmark. Yes, I'm a book nerd.

So what do you use to mark your place? Bookmarks, ticket stubs, receipts, the print out the library gives you with the due date on it?

poor ferrari

OK, did anyone else see the story this week about actor Eddie Griffin crashing a Ferrari? Did anyone else get a little choked up like I did? Yeah, I figured it was just me.

Anyway, some idiot that owns a $1.5 million Enzo Ferrari thought it would be a good idea to have an actor [not a race car driver] with no idea how to drive a high performance sports car drive his high performance sports car. And he crashed it.

To give you an idea of how bad this is, consider this: in order to be able to buy an Enzo Ferrari, you had to own at least three Ferraris already and then you had to be invited by the company to buy the car. And there are only 400 out there. Well, make that 395 as of now. They even made one for the Pope!

To better understand this, I give you this great quote from an AOL Sports story entitled "Eddie Griffin, You're an Idiot":

"You just wrecked a friggin' Enzo Ferrari. The car was probably worth more than your house, Eddie. There are probably other Ferrari owners and supercar nuts that are crying today because of you."

And yes, even I would love to drive an Enzo Ferrari, but even I would not actually do so if given the chance. It's not like driving a normal car and I sure as hell wouldn't want to be responsible for crashing someone else's $1.5 million Ferrari.


lloyd dobler kills people

Here's the new trailer for the movie War Inc starring John Cusack [yum!], Joan Cusack, Marisa Tomei and...Hilary Duff? As a Russian pop star? Um...OK.

By the way, in this movie, John once again plays an assasin just like he did in Grosse Pointe Blank. Great movie. I think that movie is ten years old. Ten years, man! TEN!

And if you love John [and who doesn't?], here is a video montage of all of his movies. Pretty cool!

pieces of flair

Ah, Office Space. You don't realize how real that movie is until you start working in The Real World. Then you realize how sad it all is. The PC Load Letter not working, having a boring boss, wanting to just knock down that last cubicle wall.

So to entertain some of you at work, I give you YouTube clips. First is Office Space Wars. It's what would happen if you put all the actors in Office Space in Jedi get-ups, gave Jar-Jar a red stapler, and made Darth Vader the new boss. "Yeah, Obi-Wan. I'm gonna need you to come in Sunday, too."

Then, of course, there is Office Space: The Thriller. Ack! That red stapler so wants to kill me.

A music video for the song "My Cubicle" with clips from Office Space. It's so sad. Get some Kleenex for this one.

And finally, why mess with perfection? The "beat the crap out of a fax machine" scene. Don't play this with your speakers on at work -- there's some bad language. You've been warned.

So on that note, look down and tell us all how many pieces of flair you're wearing.


dear celebrity

Ack! I've been a bad blogger but I'm back!

Ok, so Entertainment Weekly ran a little thing about writing fan letters to celebrities and included in the list was Jordan Knight of the New Kids on the Block. I actually wrote a letter to the New Kids on the Block when I was a fan. I actually never sent it, though, because I was too nervous to put it in the mail because I loved them so much. Yeah, pathetic, I know. I don't remember much of the letter, but I do know I wrote two drafts before I copied it down in my best handwriting. I also know I told them I loved seeing them in concert and while The Beatles could play instruments, they couldn't dance as awesome and the New Kids!

I'm so glad I never sent that letter.

On that note, if anyone knows anyone that can get me a job at Entertainment Weekly, I would love you forever. I mean, I could write stuff like this and be awesome!


that's what she said

"Wait...you said what?"

My favorite show on TV right now is The Office on NBC. Man, I love that show! If you don't believe me, click on this link to read the blog entries I've posted on a Jim and Pam Web site.

Now in addition to that, one of my favorite nights to watch TV is Thursday night. NBC has a whole hilarious line-up with a bunch of great shows. OK, fine, I'm not a huge fan of My Name is Earl, but the rest is awesome. It's so good you can go all night long with it [that's what she said]. I mean, it always leaves me satisfied and smiling [that's what she said]. Because it is just so impressive [THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!]

So check out this great YouTube video highlighting all the cool shows on the Thursday night line-up to a little ditty called "That's What She Said."

sunshine laws

So I've been a bit lazy and I come back on just to promote Sunshine Laws? Yeah, weird, I know.

Anyway, for those of you who are non-journalists and such, Sunshine Laws are put into place to shed light [get it? sunshine?] on to what the government is doing. They're actually pretty vital to the relationship between the government and the media [and normal people too]. Congressional Democrats have labeled this wee as "Sunshine Week" and will be pushing through several bills to promote easier access to government information by making the Freedom of Information Act stricter, for example.

So go read about it and I promise to be back with something funnier.


beam me up, gmail

When I was in fifth grade, I wanted to be an astronomer. The only problem was the whole science, math, and working at night stuff.

But man, if I worked with stuff in space, I could have sent email to space. That would have been cool. For example, you know the crazy lady over at NASA that's part of this whole weird love triangle thing? Well, apparently, part of the case against her is being based on naughty emails sent from one astronaut on the ground to her boyfriend who was in space. Hmm...they have the Internet is space? Wow. And I thought I was addicted to the World Wide Web.

By the way, Nowak, the crazy astronaut lady in question, was fired by NASA today. Today? Yeah, because it makes me happy to know a diaper-wearing crazy lady was allowed to be an astronaut despite the fact that NASA knew she was a little loopy. Whatever.


kyle's mom's a bitch

What? She is. I'm just telling the truth.

So Rolling Stone is putting South Park on their cover and in their honor, RS.com posted the top 25 South Park moments. There are some great ones including:

South Park as The Simpsons
Stan learns about bloody orgies
Tom Cruise: trapped in a closet
Cartman's hand becomes J. Lo

I know I'm old school, but I still say my favorite episode is the first one ever when Cartman gets an anal probe. Anyone else care to dispute that?

Also, check out the Wikipedia entry for South Park. The list of people they have offending is long including most major religions, Scientology, and Isaac Hayes. Despite that, did you also realize the show has championed gay rights and the environment? I guess it makes sense when you consider the creators of the show are hippies from Boulder, Colo. Or something.


fashion sense run amok

So Pete Wentz, the bassist for Fall Out Boy, is working on a line of clothing. Well, of course he is. Who isn't? But that's beside the point. The point is that this stuff is horrid. Here's the description from Women's Wear Daily via ONTD:

"Executives at DKNY Jeans also took notice of Wentz's creative ability and signed him on to a partnership in which he works with the DKNY Jeans design team to create Clandestine Industries for DKNY Jeans. The line, which includes graphic T-shirts, dresses, jeans, sweats, skirts and jackets, is fully inspired by Wentz. The colors are all mostly dark, such as the black leather jackets and dark-indigo denim jeans, but there is a bright pink pop of color found throughout on jacket linings and some T-shirts. There's a graphic print T-shirt of his pet bulldog, Hemingway, who tours with the band regularly, and other prints inspired by Wentz's own extensive tattoos."

Yeah, because I want to buy stuff that's all about Pete and looks like stuff Pete would wear and Pete, Pete, Pete. Did Pete design a line of clothing or a line of clothing for himself?

Seriously, ignore all that is wrong with the models in this picture. Would any of you even wear shoes like the ones below? Blech. Just because some rock star designed them doesn't mean people should wear them in public.

i ain't sayin's she's a gold digger

But I wouldn't blame her if she was, especially when the person is question can spend $3,900 for dinner.

That's right! Kanye West is going to have almost $4,000 spent on food for a meeting Wednesday night in New York that is being flown over from England. Apparently, there is no good food in Manhattan so he has to have a random restaurant in another country cater the meeting. What. The. Hell.

By this time next year, it will be all over some VH1 show about the lifestyles of celebrities and how much they spend on stuff.


i still love paris

Ah, gay Pari! Anyone else ever been there? The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the bread. Oh, the bread!

Oh wait, wrong Paris. Anyway, it was announced this week by the Associated Press that they conducted an experiment in which they didn't cover any story about Paris Hilton. And you know what? No one cared about not getting their Paris news. In fact, most AP subscribers didn't even realize what was going on until the AP announced their temporary black out.

The AP finally ran a story this week about Paris getting her car impounded and potentially going to jail. Frankly, the thing that most disturbed me about that story was that Paris's car -- a $170,000 Bentley Continental GTC that had to spend time in the impound lot with some vastly inferior cars. That poor Bentley!


the force is with her

Apparently, I missed some big Oscar news. George Lucas had a date. Yes, unbelievable! I know! But true.

The lovely lady is Mellody Hobson and based on her bio, I don't think those Star Wars geeks can hold a candle to her. She's the founder of an investment management firm in Chicago with assets of $21 billion. She's on the board for the Chicago Public Library and the Field Museum as well as corporations such as Starbucks, Estee Lauder, and Dreamworks [hmm...so Spielberg is now a matchmaker perhaps?]. In 2004, she was named one of the 50 Women to Watch by The Wall Street Journal.

So yeah, she's smart, she's hot, and I don't think she will be asking George any geektastic questions about Star Wars anytime soon.