In honor of this weekend's Super Bowl, I give you a wikit for Prince, who will be playing the halftime show for the big game. By the way, the above picture is from Prince's rehearsal for the show. No, I don't know if he actually wears bright orange suits everyday or just for special occasions like Super Bowl rehearsals. I have to say though, I kind of like that chick's dress-- you know, if it was a little shorter to cover my ass.
Not little known facts about Prince: He's from Minnesota and he likes purple.
Little known fact: He once stood behind my friend Stacy's dad at the check out line at the local grocery story in Minneapolis.
Little known fact: A song by Prince made Tipper Gore start the Parents Music Resource Center, which is responsible for those Parental Advisory labels on albums. Tipper heard her 12-year-old daughter playing "Darling Nikki," a song from the Purple Rain soundtrack about a sex fiend. Well yeah, that may not be the best for a 12-year-old to be listening to. That being said, Prince ended up winning an Oscar for his work on the soundtrack.
Little known fact: The whole symbol thing wasn't to be weird and artistic or something. It was rebel against his record label at the time, whom he felt were treating him unfairly. I don't know why you need a symbol for that, but there you go.
And so I give you my favorite Prince song, which he may or may not be performing on Sunday. Let's hope he at least doesn't have some sort of wardrobe malfunction.
Prince - Let's Go Crazy
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