YouTube of NKOTB signing Valentine Girl in concert [This is from the No More Games tour, which I saw in Detroit. Twice.]'s Valentine's Post [Share your best/worst dating stories in this thread. There are some good ones in there.]
Wikipedia's entry on St. Valentine [Apparently, there were many. So much for monogamy...or whatever.]
Dwangela's Valentine's Day Mix [Office fans, this is for you. What if Dwight gave Angela a mix tape for Valentine's Day? Right click to download this zip file for the answer.]
Pizza Express [Where The Husband and I will be ordering pizza from instead of going out in the freezing cold for a two-hour wait at a crappy restaurant where we will be shoved in to one of the extra tables said crappy restaurant squeezed in because of the crowds. The food will suck, the place will be fire code violation, and the noise level will be so high you have to yell at your honey just to get heard. So for $15, including tip, we're going to have a large pizza, breadsticks with garlic sauce, and two drinks as we watch something on our Tivo. Much better.]
That NKOTB post just made my day! I don't really remember them sounding that off key or wearing horrible clothes & hair, but it was the 80s. Now I want to go dig up all my old NKOTB stuff...
Ditto. Can't believe I'm watching the whole video. Talk about off key. I was never a fanatic, but it does bring back the days. Sigh.
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