I love action movies and, ok, the occasional chick flick. But horror movies? No. No way. I've seen enough to know that I don't want to see anymore. For example, when I was in third grade, we watched Poltergeist at a friend's sleep over party -- and then they made me be the one that had to sleep next to the television that night. When I was six, I think I must have seen a clip or something from Jaws and from then on, I was always worried that a baby shark would squeeze out of the drain at the swimming pool and eat me alive. Eek! And does anyone remember the TV movie version of Stephen King's It? I had to stop watching because it was making me afraid of clowns and I actually wanted to continue to enjoy them.
So yeah, do with that information what you will. I'm erasing it from my memory.
I was reading the little review bar on digital cable last night for a horror flick on some movie channel - I think the movie was called House of Wax. It gave the movie 1 or two stars, and said something like:
"A chiller that gets marks for its high body count and the great variety in which victims are dispatched."
Based on the great review, I started watching it. It was terrible. I can't really imagine why anyone would even conceptualize this stuff, much less produce it.
Oh c'mon. I think this was just a preview of Paris Hilton's amazing acting skills. How could the movie go wrong? (Please note the extreme sarcasm in my fingers.)
I have a couple of friends who hate clowns for this very reason.
My parents were dumb enough to take us to a double feature at the drive in that included this movie. The Thing was first and I remember that one better. I did eventually fall asleep before It, but not before scaring the bejeezus out of myself.
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