First, I had to highlight an oldie but a dearie. As anyone who knew me when I was 13 can attest, I was in love with the New Kids on the Block. And why? Because I was a teenager with baby-sitting money to spend and they were a band that took my money.
NKOTB, as they were later called, were a successful boy band out of Boston who rocked to fame with such hits as "I'll be Loving You (Forever)" and "You Got It (The Right Stuff)" [what the hell was up with all the parenthesis?].
Little known fact: MTV at first didn't play the band's videos because the station thought they were a marketing phenom and not a music one? Now, all they play on MTV are marketing phenoms. Is that ironic or coincidental?
Little known fact: Maurice Starr also founded New Edition, but that's for another wikit.
Little known fact: I still know the full names of every single band member and their birthdays. My favorite was Joe [aka Joseph Mulrey McIntyre, born Dec. 31, 1972, and no I didn't have to look any of that up]. My first concert was the New Kids at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit on Nov. 17, 1990.
Little known fact: I know way too many little known facts.
So with that, I give you my favorite New Kids on the Block song of all time. I dare you to download it!
NKOTB - Please Don't Go Girl
And I think I had a really big button with this picture on it. Oh, New Kids. You were so dreamy once.
joey was my favorite also. my first nkotb concert was at the missouri state fair in sedalia. on the racing track -- it rained and we were on the actual track. my brand new canvas shoes from walmart (just bought that day) were caked with mud.
but i didn't care.
they (the nkotb) kept saying, "we love you, kansas city!" even though we were 3 hours away from kc.
but i didn't care.
all i saw were stars and hearts in my eyes.
nice blog, pop princess!
Ohhhh Joey - he was sooooo dreamy! Yep, he was my favorite, too. I think partly because he was the youngest and therefore closest to my age. But it was mostly his eyes and smile.
I only went to one NKOTB concert - at Joe Robbie Stadium. I thought it was very sweet that my dad got up at like 2 a.m. to go stand in line for the tickets. :)
i was going to marry Jordan :-) nkotb was my first concert in Evansville Indiana...we all showed up with nkotb shirts (with the t-shirt ties keeping them knotted on the side, of course), nkotb hat, nkotb shoelaces, nkotb earrings, and those GIANT nkotb buttons (I had a button with that picture on it, too!)...i was 8 years old and in love, what can i say!
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