
i [heart] you joey joe

There was a rumor this week that the New Kids on the Block may be staging a reunion tour, a rumor that Danny Wood denied on his MySpace page. That being said, NKOTB.com seems to have a new song from the band on its home page so who the hell knows. But man, I hope it's true!!!!!!

Anyways, in looking for NKOTB info, I found this blog that someone runs called NKOTB are Still Kicking Ass and it's all about the members of the band still kicking ass! Yeah! But then...well, I found a scary entry. It had photos of a girl's room plastered with New Kids posters and well, my first reaction was "Wow! That looks just like my old room! And her posters are even closer together than mine!" And then I realized I was jealous that her room looked more like "New Kids wallpaper" than my room in which you could still tell what color the walls were. :( That being said, I was able to identify at least 15 posters/centerfolds/pin-ups in her room that I also owned. I can't believe I still remember that.

So this of course brings up a crazy question: what band would you go see if they reunited? Now, I'm not talking about the Beatles or something -- everyone has to be alive for one. I'm talking about that band you loved when you were a kid that you would pay to see for nostalgia's sake now that you have your own paycheck to spend and don't need your parents to drive you to the arena. 'N Sync? New Edition? Wham? Ohhhh....Wham! That would be sweet. Or are you one of those Smiths fans that want to see them back together even though that's not going to ever happen because of the animosity among the former members? Comment with your band so we can all point and laugh at you.


wikit: bobby fischer

Last week, Bobby Fischer died and since he is an elusive pop culture icon, I figured I should mention him. So here are some weird facts about Bobby Fischer from Wikipedia.

-- only American to win the World Chess Championship
-- beat a Soviet chess player at the height of the Cold War. Nifty.
-- had his US passport revoked after playing in Yugoslavia, going against an UN embargo
-- was half-Jewish but an anti-Semite near the end of his life
-- lived in St. Louis for a few years before moving to Brooklyn

But really, the reason I'm posting this is because I told someone at the office that we should post an MP3 of "One Night in Bangkok" to go along with the story and he had no clue what I was talking about. How can you not know I'm referring to a song from the musical Chess that was written by the Bs part of ABBA?

Yes, I am a geek. Why do you ask?

So here you go everyone. Enjoy some Murray Head. I think I downloaded the original musical version because it has a bit of a long instrumental intro.

Murray Head - One Night in Bangkok

lady liberty

When I was six year old, I went as the Statue of Liberty for Halloween. Swear to God and it was sweet! My mom made me a robe with stars on the bottom, then wrapped a flash light and a crown from Burger King in tin foil. Let it never be said that my mom rocked!

I bring this up because apparently they destroy the Statue of Liberty in the new movie Cloverfield. I say "apparently" because I've been warned by two people to not go see it. That being said, Maxim did a whole thing about five movies that manged the lovely lady. I would rather link you to the discussion on Oh No They Didn't because Maxim? Really? Exactly.

My favorite Statue movie moment is below. I mean, the Ghostbusters, pink slime, and the Statue of Liberty. What could be better?


wikit: a day that will live in infamy

On this date in 1920, a very very sad thing happened: Prohibition started.

Ah, the 18th amendment of the Constitution. I hardly knew you. Actually, I never knew you considering you're the only amendment to ever get repealed because you were stupid.

Let me explain it this way: My law abiding Catholic grandfather, God bless his soul, used to make moonshine in his bathtub during Prohibition. When you criminalize alcohol, it's only the criminals who have it I guess.

Now, I will admit that yes, there are bad people who don't drink in moderation or drive drunk or don't feel the need to have a properly functioning liver. But for those of us who are responsible drunks, I say screw you, 18th amendment!

So everyone have a drink tonight and make sure you make a toast to the awesomely amazing 21st amendment.

Btw, here's a picture of prescription form in case you had to get a prescription for medicinal liquor. Medicinal liquor? And I thought California was crazy for having medicinal marajuana. Apparently, there are alot of things out there that are good for you after all.


the boring but cool awards

Because of the writers' strike, which you all should be supporting, the Golden Globe Awards this year consisted of a boring half-hour long press conference. Good thing about this: totally short awards. Bad thing about this: not enough drunk people. Seriously, the Golden Globes is all about the open bar and watching celebrities get their awards at the end of the night while being totally drunk. Or, you know, stuck in the bathroom as one winner did a few years ago.

At least Mary Hart is still looking good after all these years. I think it's plastic surgery, Aaron thinks it's just good genes. Maybe she's got some Dorian Grey-type portrait in her office at Entertainment Tonight or something.

As for the awards themselves, I give them an "eh" for being blah. First, the only Office nomination was for Steve Carell as best actor and he lost to David Duchovny. What the hell is this -- 1999? Not that I'm complaining considering David is making a new X Files movie and is easy on the eyes. But other than that, I just don't know. I read Ian McEwan's book Atonement a few years ago and didn't much care for it so I don't plan on seeing the movie so who cares if it won best drama? I may have to see Sweeney Todd now at the theater and same with Mad Men on my Tivo.

But other than that, I'm surprised I missed making fun of drunk people in hideous dresses. I thought I was less superficial than that. Apparently not.


the sci fi nerd in me is revealed

Entertainment Weekly did a list of the top 25 sci fi shows and movies of the past 25 years. I thought I would check ou the list and realized that I love about half of the stuff on it. Crazy! I mean, a 30-year-old woman should not be this in love with stuff on the list, right? But then, when some of you see the list, I think you would agree that it's hard to not love some of these things. Among the shows/movies:

-- Back to the Future -- I had such a crush on Michael J. Fox back in the '80s. Mmm...Alex P. Keaton. Plus, who didn't want a DeLorean after that movie? That car still looks damn cool all these years later.

-- ET -- Damn, did I love that movie! I remember my parents actually taking me to that one way back in the day. I'm going to have to put this movie on my Netflix list so I can see it again. After all, who doesn't love an alien that eats M&Ms and gets drunk?

-- The Matrix -- As the article mentions, the second and third movies in this trilogy were disappointing, but that first flim in 1999 was so amazing and proved to some nay-sayers out there why I loved Keanu Reeves so much.

-- Lost -- Can't wait for the new season to start. Of course, I always sit back at the end of every episode, bewildered, and say "What the fuck was that about?" But isn't that half the fun?

-- Firefly [tv] and Serenity [movie] -- This has become a recent love of mine and I can't wait for this writers' strike to be over so I can buy the DVDs for both the show and the movie. I decided to watch this show because I love Adam Baldwin on the show Chuck and he's also in this series. Between him and Nathan Fillion, there's plenty of eye candy for the ladies out there, but it really is a good show content-wise as well.

-- The X-Files -- Oh Mulder and Scully, how I love thee. To see I'm totally geeked for the new movie is an understatement. Plus, did you know they've released the entire series on DVD in one big box set? I saw it on sale at Costco and started salivating.

So fess up -- what are your favorite shows and movies on this list? And what do you think they ignored that you want on there?



Alright, so one of my New Year's resolution this year is to write more on this blog and since I've been getting crap from some of you, I guess I have no other choice, eh?

Has anyone else been feeling the pain of the writer's strike? Yeah, me too. My poor shows that aren't on the air because of some greedy bastards that own the networks and have way too much money. I'll write more about why you should support the WGA later.

In the meantime, let's celebrate one of my missing shows. You should all be watching Chuck and the funny thing is that it turns out some of you actually are watching the show. I was back East for break and talking to my cousins and at least two of them love this show as much as I do. Yeah! So what's it about? Basically, this guy's brain turns into a super computer when he downloads a bunch of classified information into it. So he's now a guy making $6 at the Buy More [like Best Buy] as a Nerd Herder [think Geek Squad] and yet has to be protected by the CIA and NSA because of the info he knows.

Chuck is played by Zachary Levi and he's absolutely awesome! You all need to check out this show for him alone. In addition, there's an amazing supporting cast that really makes this show cool. Plus, they blew up a car three blocks from my apartment for the last episode of the season...so far. How can a show like that be bad?