
please explain my addiction

I admit it, I like the new Beyonce song Irreplaceable. No, I'm not planning to get rid of my husband, but there is just something about that song that just gets in my head. "Everything you own in a box to the left." It's all in one little box because Beyonce is a sugar mama despite the fact that in real life, she's dating Jay Z. But anyway, I still like the song. Just a warning: clicking on that link will make you get this stupid song stuck in your head, too. Proceed at your own risk.

And no, I have no idea why she feels to the need to pose with her hands on her head during a Red Carpet. I know I didn't tell her to do that.


Anonymous said...

Exactly! It doesn't look very attractive at all. At least wax those things if you're going to do that.

Two Shorten the Road said...

After she sings "to the left, to the left" I always want her to sing "to the right, to the right."