
be deathly afraid

First, I don't like the title for the seventh Harry Potter. There, I said it. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows does not roll off my tongue the way I want it to. Hell, it doesn't roll off my tongue at all. I'm going to have to refer to it by an acronym like "Harry Potter and the DH" or something.

That being said, I'm excited about it's release on...July 21! It's official, people. Although the date annoys me, too. Why not July 7 [07/07/07] or July 31, Harry's birthday? These book people don't know how to properly sell a book. I mean, Book Seven on July 7th! How can you forget that?

And I have to go see the next Harry Potter movie on July 13 and then start the book a week later? Yes, July is Harry Potter month. That Harry Potter kid is getting so rich off of me.

Speaking of the Harry Potter kid, Daniel Radcliffe is starring in a play on London's West End soon [the British version of Broadway]. The promotional pictures recently sent out leave little to the imagination. As David said on Hogwarts Herald, "Daniel will be acting in the outfit God made him." That's one way of putting it.

1 comment:

SpinKick said...

Oh my! That'll sell like mad for all the wrong reasons. Geesh.